Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New New Beginnings

Another day. Another blog. This one I think I'm not going to share with anyone I know for all the usual reasons people don't share blogs with their friends in real life. I just need that escape. That being said I really honestly do not know what direction I want to go in right now so I think I'll be basic and just introduce myself by spitting out as much a bout myself that feels relevant:

I'm starting this blog in an attmept to get thoughts out without having people put me in any sort of box. Not to say I don't want to be honest with people that know me but everyone has parts of themselves hidden from those they know and love and I'm no different. I'm 24 years old and just graduated from school (finally!) and I'm currently looking for full time employment in my chosen field. I'm single and as content as I want to be with it. I'm not really a person that needs to be in a relationship. I like them as much as the next person but it seems that when they end for me they end badly and I usually like to take the necessary time to recuperate and then live for a while. Typically I'm not looking for relationships when they find me. I'm a fun loving guy that likes to do all sorts of stuff. I love movies and music. Before some unfortunate events that happened recently that I will blog about at another time I had a music collection well in excess of 250 gigs. Before I began ridding myself of my dvd collection last year I had well over 500. Current count is down to just over 100. I'm a huge fan of sports! Baseball is the absolute best sport and if I had the time/money I'd go to every homegame of my team. I'm a nerd. I'm ok with it. I also like to think that everyone is in their own way. The ways I feel like I'm a nerd:

-I used to Play World of Warcraft and am serioucly considering picking it back up.
-Love movies like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (went to the Midnight Showings of them all!)
-I once pretended that my name was Michael Keaton to an elderly lady at my church when I was about 8 years old...quite the batman fan.
-I collected comics, baseball cards, and Magic: the gathering cards as a kid

judge me if you will but those things all have served me in one way or another throughout my life.

I guess that's it for now. I'll be updating on a semi-regular basis I'm sure and hopefully someone out there will find this blog entertaining/helpful along the way.